
Mission Statement

Corporate Finance New York's mission statement is straightforward, which is to continue to employ its resources including assets, people, technology and funds, to achieve a balanced combination of product quality, customer service, employee productivity and value.

In this new century we are vastly changed, as we should be, and, we remain on our course to be an integral part of the world economy. Our clients will have at their beck and call our experience, knowledge and services, and as our relationship ripens the feeling will grow that for anything and everything related to their financial and corporate needs, they can depend on this partner as a sure and constant source.

Our people take pride in what they do for their clients, and taking pride in what you do makes a real difference in the way you do it, and this different is reflected in client satisfaction, the high quality of our products and services, in the productivity of our employees, partners and associates, and return on investment.

Our most important asset is the character of our organization, its integrity and reputation, its resources, its facilities, and standard of service, and recognizing that we are in a very competitive financial marketplace, and excellence in customer relations, sales, innovation and diversification of financial and corporate products and services are and will continue to be among the most valuable elements of our success.